Project Description
Starting a New Business by Charles Read

After more than twenty years of consulting with entrepreneurs on starting a new business, forty years in business and a number of years teaching business, I have created a book that helps a small business owner ask the right questions of himself, or herself, and others.
If you are starting a business or are new in business this book will give you an insight into the accounting, finance, payroll and tax aspects of small business in the United States. It is designed to help you ask the right question of your professional advisors, government agencies and vendors.
Starting a New Business is to help you
- plan, finance, implement and account for your new business.
- keep out of trouble with the IRS and State Agencies by reporting and paying your taxes, correctly and on a timely basis.
- pay your employees.
- deal with your banker, your insurance agent, attorney, and your CPA.
This book won’t teach you your business, marketing, production, sales, or merchandising, or how to build a website. It will teach you the basics about business.
Table of Contents Highlight
- Chapter 1: Selecting a Legal Entity
- Chapter 2: Selecting a Year-End
- Chapter 3: Registering with the Various Tax Authorities
- Chapter 4: Accounting & Bookkeeping
- Chapter 5: Payroll
- Chapter 6: Payroll Taxes
- Chapter 7: Income Taxes
- Chapter 8: Intellectual Property: 101 for New Start-up Businesses
- Chapter 9: Cash Planning and Forecasting
- Chapter 10: Buying a Franchise Business
- Chapter 11: Obtaining Financing and Credit for Your New Venture
- Chapter 12: Insurance
- Chapter 13: Labor Law
- Chapter 14: Selecting Professional Advisors